Tuesday -Week 2

Slept well last night only waking for a pee. Dozed off again once I had a cuppa and a visit from my drug dealer. Also first thing I did when I got up was have a poo.  Oh deep joy!!!  Thanks Dulcolax!

Definite less pain and more mobility but looking in a mirror bloody hell the size on my arse – I hope that’s swelling not fat! I have never had hips wider than my shoulders! I looked like a queen bee.

My dressing is peeling off and the hospital yesterday said to either patch it up (not with Duct Tape though) or go to my local nurses and get them to change it although they do like to keep it covered as much as possible. I rang the surgery but they can’t fit me in till Friday, now I have the clips out on Monday so do I try and keep it going till then or insist on a change and then what do they do for a dressing on Monday after they take the clips out. I was only given one spare one.

Went for a walk today, not far admittedly but a walk nevertheless. Felt OK but didn’t want to go too far and overdo it so came back in. No pain, swelling appears OK.

It was a good day but after a codeine at 2 ish I fell asleep and had the most horrible dream. I dreamt I had a stroke. I could feel it. Steve was there but was ignoring me, I don’t know where ‘There’ was but it wasn’t here. I went from outside to inside on my mobility scooter and he was fiddling with a clock I couldn’t hear anything and he was still ignoring me, then he fainted! I was so annoyed and was wondering who I could ring for help, then he came to and I bit him! Hard – it was at this stage I knew it was a dream as no one would ignore a bite off me! Phew, luckily I woke up after but shit it was a scary dream!!

Haven’t done much of interest.