‘The Phone Call’

I had the call at 11am today from Emersons Green Hospital. I am to be there at 10am Monday 25th January. No food after midnight Sunday, not drinks either although I can sip water, they emphasised sip, until I get there. I can have a snack before I go to bed but nothing on the day. No make up, nail polish, jewellery, sprays, perfumes, etc. No cuts or abrasions on my skin. Did I have a cold, chest infection, bladder infection.  Had I been to West Africa recently. Had I been in any other hospital recently?  Must remember my sample of urine. No ibuprofen for 24 hours before. I can take paracetamol though.

I have to take a bag with my washing stuff, two sets of slippers – not mule types. Two sets of PJ’s or nighty. Two sets of comfy loose clothing as I will be doing physio.

I have been in self imposed quarantine since Tuesday this week as I really, really don’t want to catch a bug, of any type.

Talk about clammy hands and feet, I am so scared. What of? I don’t know specifically. The needles going in? The noises? The pain after? The recovery time? Something going wrong?  I just wish I could fast forward a few months.

Don’t underestimate pre op stress either. I realised it yesterday when my husband pissed me off in some fine style. I did tell him but found myself more upset than I would be normally. Mood swings etc. Not sure how to combat this. Anyway I guess i should sort out music play lists, books, chargers, etc etc.